House cleaning in the Madison, Middleton, Verona, Fitchburg Wisconsin

House Cleaning Services

Here is a list of house cleaning services performed per visit

Dusting / wipe down of everything in reach from the floor
Vacuuming carpets, stairways and rugs
Sweeping & Moping of vinyl and wood floors
Cleaning Tubs, sinks, showers, floors and counters in bathrooms
Clean the outside of appliances
Counters & sinks
Clean inside of microwave
Empty garbage and replace liners
Vacuuming / removal of spider webs and the spiders!
Clean windows inside the house as needed
Clean inside and outsides of patio doors main doors and storm doors (outsides only when warmer than 32 degrees)
Dust ceiling fans
Clean all mirrors

Misc Cleaning Tasks
(Performed as needed)

Clean Light Switches
Clean windows and sills
Clean Door handles
Dust door frames & trim
Dust mop boards
Clean stair railings
Wipe down / clean the outside of kitchen / bathroom cabinets
Anything else discovered that could use some cleaning!


There are exceptions to this list.. We are often asked to do some things that are not on this list and many times we add our own things. For example we may empty out a dirty toaster..

First visits are always considered to be dammage control. We almost always spend 2-3 times as long going through everything. There are times when we make a call to do a few of those super tidious things on a future vist.This will be common sense, not trying to avoid having to do it.

* The insides of refrigerators and ovens are not included within our basic house cleaning services. These appliances require a large amount of time and effort and typically never return to 100 percent, "like new" condition. We do clean these when requested to do so but with an additional charge and no guarantee of how clean they will get.

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